



E-mail: chenx@nankai.edu.cn


2021.12-今 赢钱官网游戏精算学系 教授
2019.10-2020.11 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校访问学者
2014.12-2021.12 赢钱官网游戏精算学系 副教授
2014.01-2014.03 韩国木浦海洋大学访问学者
2011.07-2014.12 南开大学经济赢钱官网游戏风险管理与保险学系 讲师

2007.9-2011.6 清华大学数学科学系 运筹学与控制论专业 数学博士
2003.9-2007.6 南开大学数学科学赢钱官网游戏 统计学专业 统计学学士



Xiaowei Chen*, Qianlong Liu and Dan A. Ralescu, A Bi-level Optimization Mode for the Asset-liability Management of Insurance Companies, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2023, 19(4): 3003-3019.

Xiufang Li, Dongxu Zhao, Xiaowei Chen*, Asset-liability management with state-dependent utility in the regime-switching market, Stochastic Models, 2023, 39(3): 566-591.

Deyu Bai and Xiaowei Chen*, What Makes Your Tweets Popular: Popularity Prediction with a Data Augmentation and Explainable Machine Learning Framework. Proceeding of 2023 IEEE 11th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference, 2023, 11: 753-761. (EI)

Xiaowei Chen and Yufan Lu, Probabilistic Forecasting of Climate Disaster Losses: a Machine-Learning Review, Proceeding of China International Conference on Insurance and Risk Management, 2023, 6-26.


Hua Cheng, Xiaowei Chen, Shusen Qi, Asymmetric corporate tax compliance: Evidence from a tax reform in China, China Economic Review, 2023, 101967, ISSN 1043-951X, doi.org/10.1016/j.chieco.2023.101967.

黄志国,王博娟,陈孝伟.技术投资、公共教育投入与少子化[J].财经研究, 2022, 48(12): 136-150.

王博娟,黄志国,陈孝伟,李秀芳.人口结构变化、税费改革与遗产税[J].南开经济研究, 2022(01): 109-127.

Xiaowei Chen, Fuzhe Huang, Xiufang Li, Robust asset-liability management under CRRA utility criterion with regime switching: a continuous-time model. Stochastic Models, 2022, 38(2), pp.167-189.

黄志国,王博娟,陈孝伟,子代质量偏好、养老保险缴费率与家庭储蓄-教育投入权衡. 经济评论[J], 2022(01), 143-160.

李秀芳 冯泽宇 陈孝伟*, 我国寿险市场竞争对公司创新能力影响研究,保险研究,2021(09):16-29.

陈孝伟,杨少川,李秀芳,肖光文.中国共产赢钱官网游戏领导灾害风险治理的回顾与展望[J].中国应急管理科学, 2021(08): 12-27.

Xiaowei Chen, Wing Fung Chong, Runhuan Feng, Linfeng Zhang, Pandemic risk management: resources contingency planning and allocation, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2021, 101, 359-383.

Xiaowei Chen, Jing Li, Chen Xiao, Peilin Yang, Numerical solution and parameter estimation for uncertain SIR model with application to COVID-19. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 2021, 20, 189–208.

Pingjin Deng, Xiufang Li and Xiaowei Chen*, The Optimal Investment, Liability and Dividends in Insurance, Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, 2021, 9, 395–409.

Yuhong Sheng, Kai Yao*, Xiaowei Chen, Least squares estimation in uncertain differential equations, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2020, 28(10), 2651 – 2655.


李秀芳, 黄志国, 陈孝伟,Bagging集成方法在保险欺诈识别中的应用研究,保险研究,2019年第4期.


Xiaowei Chen, Jinwu Gao, Two-factor term structure model with uncertain volatility risk, Soft Computing, 2018, 22(17), 5835-5841.


Rong Gao, Xiaowei Chen*, Some Concepts and Properties of Uncertain Fields, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 2017, 32(6), 4367-4378.


Xiaowei Chen, Gyei-Kark Park, Uncertain expected utility function and its risk premium Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2017, 28(3), 581-587.

李秀芳, 毕冬, 陈孝伟,基于二层规划的寿险公司资产负债管理研究,保险研究,2016年第3期.

Xiaowei Chen, Uncertain Calculus with Finite Variation Processes, Soft Computing, 2015, 19(10), 2905–2912.

Yuhan Liu, Xiaowei Chen, and Dan A. Ralescu, Uncertain Currency Model and Currency Option Pricing, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2015, 30(1), 40-51.

Guangdong Tian, Hua Ke, Xiaowei Chen, Fuzzy cost-profit tradeoff model for locating a vehicle inspection station considering regional constraints, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C 2014, 15(12): 1138-1146.

Zixiong Peng and Xiaowei Chen*, Uncertain Systems Are Universal Approximators, Journal of Uncertainty Analysis and Applications, Vol.2, Article 13, 2014.

Xiaowei Chen, Xiufang Li, and Dan Ralescu, A Note on Uncertain Sequence, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 2014, 22(2): 305-314,

Xiaowei Chen, Jinwu Gao, Stability Analysis of Linear Uncertain Differential Equations, Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, Vol.12, No.1, 2-8, 2013.

Xiaowei Chen, Dan A. Ralescu, Liu Process and Uncertain Calculus, Journal of Uncertainty Analysis and Applications, Vol.1, Article 3, 2013.

Xiaowei Chen, Yuhan Liu, Dan A. Ralescu, Uncertain Stock Model with Periodic Dividends, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 2013, 12(1): 111-123.

Xiaowei Chen, Variation Analysis of Uncertain Stationary Independent Increment Processes, European Journal of Operational Research, 2012, 222(2): 312-316.

Kai Yao, Xiaowei Chen*, A Numerical Method for Solving Uncertain Differential Equations, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2013, 25(3): 825-832.

Xiaowei Chen, Jinwu Gao, Uncertain Term Structure Model of Interest Rate, Soft Computing, 2013, 17(4): 597-604.

Xiaowei Chen, Dan A. Ralescu, B-Spline Method of Uncertain Statistics with Application to Estimating Travel Distance, Journal of Uncertain Systems, Vol.6, No.4, 256-262, 2012.

Ke H., Ma W. and Xiaowei Chen, Modeling stochastic project time-cost trade-offs with time dependent activity durations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vo.218, No.18, Pages 9462-9469, 2012.

Xingfang Zhang, Xiaowei Chen*, A New Uncertain Programming Model for Project Scheduling Problem, Information: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol.15, No.10, 3901-3910, 2012.

Xiaowei Chen, Samarjit Kar, Dan A. Ralescu, Cross-Entropy Measure of Uncertain Variables, Information Sciences, 2012, 201: 53-60.

Wei Dai, Xiaowei Chen*, Entropy of Function of Uncertain Variables, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2012, 55,(3-4): 754-760.

Xiaowei Chen, American Option Pricing Formula for Uncertain Financial Market, International Journal of Operations Research, Vol.8, No.2, 32-37, 2011.

Xiaowei Chen and Zhongfeng Qin, A New Existence and Uniqueness Theorem for Fuzzy Differential Equations, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2011, 13(2): 148-151.

Xiaowei Chen, Wei Dai, Maximum Entropy Principle for Uncertain Variables, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2011, 13(3): 232-236.

Xiaowei Chen, Dan A. Ralescu, A Note on Truth Value in Uncertain Logic, Expert Systems with Applications, 2011, 38:15582-15586.

Xiaowei Chen, Baoding Liu, Existence and Uniqueness Theorem for Uncertain Differential Equations, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 2010, 9(1): 69-81.






主持:国家自然科学基金面上项目,“不确定全面风险分析框架下的供应链风险建模与优化研究NO. 61673225”,2017-2020

主持:国家自然科学基金青年项目,“突发事件下应急车辆调度中的不确定风险评估与动态决策(NO. 61304182)”,2014-2016




参与:国家自然科学基金,“非寿险定价与索赔准备金评估的分层模型研究(NO. 71271121)”,2013-2016

参与:国家自然科学基金,“基于CBR/RBR融合模式的医疗决策代价敏感性研究(NO. 71201087)”,2012-2015






